What is the difference between Lien or Debit Freeze, and what to do when it comes to Lien or Debit Freeze: Hello friends, welcome to Online Legal Center, Advocate Ayush Garg will tell you if you do P2P transactions, withdraw from gaming apps or you do any If you do any other online transaction, then you must have faced and heard many times the problem related to your bank account freeze. If a cyber-cell freezes your bank account, then first of all a lien is placed on your bank account, and then after some time. What should we do if your bank account gets frozen or sometimes both things happen together?
First of all, we should understand what is lean amount and what is debit freeze, then today in this blog we will tell you what is the difference between a lean amount and a debit freeze and will also tell you what if a lien is imposed on your account. That is, if a hold is placed on a particular amount or your entire account gets debited, then let us know how to deal with such a situation.
When a cyber-cell takes or puts a hold on your bank account, a hold is placed on a particular amount. This amount can be from any transaction or can be related to the discussed amount. The discussed amount is the amount which is in some percentage form the fraud amount. If it comes then the transaction amount or discussed amount is always held, this is called lean amount.
The lean amount is always deposited from the MHE portal. Whenever a cyber-complaint is filed, initially the online complaint is filed on the MHE portal. In such a situation, the MHE portal-related bank, to which the money has gone, puts a lien on all those bank accounts through its software or holds a particular amount.
In the same way, when a lien is placed through the MHE portal after the lien is sent to the cyber cell, then the cyber cell imposes a debit freeze on the basis of that lien. The process of debit freeze is done by the cyber cell under sections 91 CRPC and 10 CRPC. When a debit freeze is imposed, there can be credit in your entire bank account but there cannot be debit because debit is completely frozen. This is the difference between lean amount and debit freeze.
So you should always remember that if you do P2P you withdraw from any gambling apps or you do online transactions then in such a situation you should always keep checking your bank account to see if there is any hold on your amount. A lien has not been imposed. If you find that a hold or lien has been imposed on any of your particular amounts, then during withdrawal, first of all, withdraw the entire outstanding amount from the bank except the lien or debit freeze amount in the entire bank account because If you transfer money to another account, that account may also be frozen.
Therefore, whenever your account gets debited, you should withdraw the entire balance from it before the debit is frozen and secondly, you should collect related documents with you which prove that it is a bank transaction. The bank account from which the transaction has been done is genuine.
You are not connected to any cyber-crime and you submit it to them on the mail ID given to you, along with your representation as to how you have done the transaction because we have to do Janayanti proof so that no one can charge you. Application cannot be made or during an investigation, it cannot be said that you did not support yourself or that you have hidden something.
Thirdly, you contact the investigation officer and try to convince him that you have not done anything wrong. If he can call you there and call you in the cyber cell, then you can visit the cyber cell and submit all your related documents. You can do it. If you do not want to visit there, you can also take the help of an advocate.
If your bank account gets frozen anywhere in India, then to unfreeze the bank account or for any information related to it, you can call our helpline number: 8273682006, our advocates will help you completely.
Also Read:
How To Avoid Bank Account Freezing While Doing P2P
Why Would a Business Bank Account Be Frozen?
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